Frequently Asked Attributes

Frequently Asked Attributes

With over 120 different standard reports and hundreds of different attributes, we thought it was time we put together a resource in our knowledge base to provide a definition for the fields you can find in Report Toaster. 

Currently this is just a shortlist, as the majority of fields we include in our reports are Shopify attributes that can be referenced in their help docs.
Below however is a nice curated list of definitions for the ones we get asked about the most:

If you need help with understanding any of the below, you can always email us to and we'd be happy to help.
  1. Inventory Available = The quantity of units you currently have in stock.
  2. Quantity = The quantity of units sold.
  3. Net Quantity = The quantity of units sold, minus items returned.
  4. Fulfillable Quantity = The quantity of units yet to be fulfilled
  5. Price = The price the item is sold for.
  6. Compare-at Price = The original price of the item (before an adjustment or a sale).
  7. Gross Sales = Price x Quantity 
  8. Discounts = The discount value applied to a sale.
  9. Returns = The value of any goods returned by a customer.
  10. Net Sales = Gross Sales - refunds - discounts.
  11. Taxes = The taxes applied to a sale.
  12. Duties = The duties applied to a sale.
  13. Shipping = The shipping charges (paid by the customer) to ship an order.
  14. Total Sales = Net Sales + Taxes + Duties + Shipping
  15. Cost = The total cost of the units sold for a particular product
  16. Gross Profit = The Net Sales minus Cost for a particular product
  17. Gross Profit Margin = Calculated as ([Net Sales - Cost] / Net sales) * 100.
  18. Shipping Cost = The shipping charges (paid by the merchant) to ship an order. 
  19. Transaction Fees = The fees paid to the provider for each transaction
  20. Net Profit = Gross Profit + (Shipping - shipping Cost) - Transaction Fees.
  21. Net Profit Margin = Calculated as (Net profit / Net sales) * 100.

For a more in-depth overview and examples for many of the attributes mentioned above, you may want to check out some of our other articles: 

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