Premium Report - Repeat Rate by Product
Repeat Rate by Product
This report is used for calculating the rate at which products are purchased more than once. This is determined by looking for any instances of where a product has been purchased 2+ times by the same customer.

As a Premium Report, this is available on all Paid Plans of Report Toaster. If you aren't signed up, follow these steps to upgrade your account.
Using this report, you can see which products appear most often on repeat orders, expressed in both the number of orders and as a percentage.
Here are a few terms to be familiar with in order to understand Repeat Rate by Product, numbered in the screenshots above:
1.) Repeat Orders: The number of orders the product has been purchased on where it has already been purchased by the same customer before.

For example, if the Avocado Ahoy product was on 353 orders in the last 30 Days and 11 of those orders were a purchase from a customer who had bought the product before, then 11 would display in the field.
2.) Repeat %: The percentage of Repeat Orders vs Orders for the selected period.

For example, if the Avocado Ahoy had 11 repeat orders out of 353 total, then the 11/353 x 100 = 3.12% would appear in the field.
3.) Non-Repeat Orders: The number of orders the product has been purchased on where it has NOT been purchased by the same customer within the chosen date range.

For example, if the Avocado Ahoy product was on 353 orders in the last 30 Days and 342 of those orders were the first time that customer had bought that product, then 342 would display in the field.
4.) Non-Repeat %: The percentage of Non-Repeat Orders vs Orders for the selected period.

For example, if the Avocado Ahoy had 342 non-repeat orders out of 353 total, then the 342/353 x 100 = 96.88% would appear in the field.
Like all Report Toaster reports, these reports are fully customizable - so you can adjust the date range, add/remove columns, introduce a filter or change the sort to suit your individual needs. See our basic guides here for more info.

If you want to see our other premium reports, check out our main section
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