Premium Report - Sales by Device Type

Premium Report - Sales by Device Type

Sales by Device Type

Sales by Device Type is used to see a breakdown of which devices customers are using when they place orders at your store. 

This report relies on pulling information from the User Agent field on the Order. 

From this report, you can see the total key sales figures (Orders, Gross/Net/Total Sales, etc) for the Last 30 days alongside a breakdown by the user's Device type. 

As a Premium Report, this is available on all Paid Plans of Report Toaster. If you aren't signed up, follow these steps here to upgrade your account. 

Here is what you need to be familiar with to understand Sales by Device Type: 

1.) Device Type: The type of device the customer was using when they placed an order at your store. This is broken down as follows: 

  1. Mobile - Cellphones, mobile phones and the like**. 
  2. POS - Point of Sale (POS). These will be orders originating from the Point of Sale (POS) at your retail location(s).
  3. Desktop - Desktop and Laptop personal computers
  4. Tablet - Handheld tablets 
  5. Unknown - Anything that lacks User Agent Device information will be categorized under Unknown***.
**Android devices are very difficult to differentiate here between mobile vs tablet, so these are all bucketed under Mobile.
*** This is very likely for certain Sales Channels that don't always make this information available.  

For example, if a customer placed their order on my store via a Cellphone, then Mobile would display under the Device Type for their order. 

Like all Report Toaster reports, these reports are fully customizable - so you can adjust the date range, add/remove columns, introduce a filter or change the sort to suit your individual needs. See our basic guides here for more info.

For other premium reports you can add to your account, check out our other article guides here

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