What's New? - November 2021 (Part 2)
Well we were going to wait till December to reveal this one, but frankly - we were just too excited!
Device ID (Terminal Number)
So Shopify recently removed both the terminal number and Sales by POS Terminal report in the Shopify admin. For merchants using a Point of Sale (POS) this was a bit of a problem, as being able to separate out the respective sales for different terminal numbers is often a key component to accurately assess your retail store's performance.
Anyway, long story short - we got you covered. Hooray!
If you pull up Report Toaster and navigate to the Retail section, we now have a report called 'Sales by POS Device". Here you can see we've added this number back in (under 'Device id') along with the total Sales, Discounts, Returns, Shipping, Taxes etc. for each:
You can also go ahead and add Device ID as both a column and filter option on any of our Sales, Retail and Order reports, so that should help for any situations where you want to narrow down your Sales/Orders to particular devices.
For more information on adding columns and filters, check out our video in the knowledge base here.
More Regular Updates
Well this update is more of an announcement really...
Basically our 'What's New' article series has proven to be a popular addition to Report Toaster, so we plan on putting out more regular updates here on the homepage as we add new features.
This means you can expect to see shorter (but more frequent) posts from us every time we add new capabilities and want to let you know about them. Of course you'll still be able to lookup old posts in the archive, and those of you who have submitted feature requests to us will continue to receive updates via email (as requested).
We have many more exciting things to come that we can't wait to share with you! So keep an eye on this space, and continue to reach out to us if you any questions :)
Until next time!
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