Another month has passed, and with it comes another batch of exciting features for your favorite app, Report Toaster!
Let's dive right in and take a look?
This one's a bit of a timesaver, as we've added the ability to click on certain fields in our reports and navigate directly to the respective section outside Report Toaster.
For example, by clicking here...
... it will take you directly to the order in Shopify here:
This is very useful if you're trying to compare a bunch of fields at once, and saves you time in having to look things up. Currently, the list of clickable links includes:
Most of these take you to the respective field in Shopify, but this last one will actually link you directly to the tracking page for the associated shipping provider. Pretty neat huh?
Oh, and speaking of links...
One of our more requested features was for users to have the ability to share reports (e.g. with agencies or other members of your team).
Using this feature, you can create a unique hyperlink that takes users directly to the report you've saved under My Reports.
Simply go to one of your saved reports, click the 3-button dropdown, and the link is good to go:
You can then select the text and copy/paste it as normal, or you can click the button to copy it directly to your clipboard.
Anyone you send this link to will be able to see a live view of your report and they can customize their view of the data via the usual columns & filters.
However (for security purposes) they won't be able to change any of your 'My Reports' or make adjustments to the underlying data.
As an added precaution, we've also given you the ability to revoke access to the link you created at any time. This might be a useful feature if you only want someone to be able to view your data for a limited window (e.g. something time-sensitive or something you only want people to have access to for a given period).
To do this, simply follow the same process above in creating a link. Click the revoke button (above), and anybody who follows the link will now be denied access to this report.
To learn more about this feature, you can watch our tutorial video here.
Otherwise, we'll see you next time!