We often get questions about Report Toaster reports not matching numbers seen in Shopify. As you might expect, our reports should match Shopify exactly when comparing compatible data. Below are some tips for troubleshooting data that seems to be mismatched.
The most common scenario is that the reports in the two systems are not using the same date range. The easiest way to start is to run both reports for "Last Month" to make comparisons. This limits the possible data to a reasonable time period while also ensuring that data isn't changing as new orders are being placed.
Another cause of data mismatch is differing filters between Report Toaster and Shopify. Please make sure the data is being filtered the same way on both reports.
When comparing reports for accuracy, it's best to compare "apples to apples". Avoid comparing a product level report to a sales channel report. It may be that the grand totals can or will be the same in the end, but this isn't ideal for troubleshooting.
The fastest way to validate Report Toaster's data is to use some basic reports. We suggest starting with the Shopify Finances Summary report, which can be found in the Shopify Admin under Analytics/Reports/Finance:
Again, you can see that the payment amounts match per gateway when compared using "Last Month" as a date range.
For Part 2 of this article series, covering how Shopify applies discounts to items that already include tax, click here.